Нещодавно у класичному університеті Тернополя відбулося підписання договору про співпрацю між Західноукраїнським національним університетом та Університетом Шеперд (Західна Вірджинія, США).
Американські колеги пишуть про нас на офіційній сторінці сайту вишу.
SHEPHERDSTOWN, WV — Shepherd University and West Ukrainian National University (WUNU) have signed a cooperation agreement that will give Shepherd students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to collaborate in intercultural communications, joint research, and publishing academic papers.
“We are delighted to officially partner with West Ukrainian National University,” said Dr. Kelly Hart, Shepherd vice president for Enrollment Management. “This important collaboration between our institutions provides exceptional opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff, and allows us to broaden the academic experience for everyone.”
The agreement opens the door for Shepherd faculty, staff, and students to collaborate with their counterparts at WUNU in intercultural communications, joint research, and publishing academic papers. The two universities will be able to hold various joint scientific and educational events and conferences, organize platforms for internships for faculty and students in related educational programs, and offer student exchange programs.
Hart said the agreement serves as a solid foundation to strengthen already friendly relations and establish mutually beneficial cooperation, particularly in the scientific sphere, between the institutions.
“Most importantly, our partnership will broaden the academic experience for everyone,” Hart said.
“We are committed to our core values of learning, engagement, integrity, accessibility, and community,” said Dr. Mary J.C. Hendrix, Shepherd president. “Through this agreement, we come together to inspire people to shape the world.”
During a recent virtual signing ceremony, WUNU Rector Andrii Krysovaty said the partnership will provide new avenues for international cooperation.
“We are starting fruitful work in training highly qualified specialists,” he said. “We are working to implement educational and scientific projects in the international space.”
Дякуємо нашим партнерам за популяризацію провідних українських закладів вищої освіти в Америці!
